Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Tips: Get Shiny, Healthy Hair This Season

Shiny, glossy and vibrant - 3 hair attributes every girl would kill for. But how do you achieve it?

With temperatures dropping, a lot of us have more time to dedicate to primping and maintaining our appearances; and with these tips from Italian born Pirri brothers, gorgeous glowing tresses are not unattainable:

Wash your hair properly: You could be doing this simple daily regime all wrong. Washing your hair properly keeps it healthy and shiny, while keeping your scalp free of dandruff. Are you washing away the dull and bringing in the shine? You may not be. To properly wash your hair, you must completely soak your locks with lukewarm water, rinsing for about a minute or two. Rub a small amount of shampoo, about the size of a quarter, into your hair and massage your scalp gently. Completely rinse your hair of all shampoo. Grab a wide-tooth comb and gently comb out any knots prior to applying conditioner. (Be sure to comb from the ends of the hair up to avoid knotting) Rub a small amount of conditioner, about the size of a quarter, and leave in hair for about 3-5 minutes. With your wide-tooth comb, brush once more and rinse your hair. Be sure to rid your hair of any products by rinsing thoroughly. End with a rinse of icy cold water. The cold water will close the pores of your hair so you end up with shinier hair as it dries.

Dry your tresses properly: Now that you have mastered washing your hair (haha), it does not end there. With the cold weather, air drying is a big no-no, so you must blow out your hair properly to achieve the best results. Gently pat you hair dry with a towel after showering, removing any excess water. Brush and detangle your locks by gently brushing with the same wide-tooth comb used in the shower. When blow drying, point the nozzle down from scalp to ends of your hair. You should make sure your hair is about 70% dry before using your brush. As you polish your blow-dry, the nozzle should steadily follow your brush at a 90 degree angle leaving you with smooth, shiny hair. Be sure to thoroughly, but not over-dry your hair.

Maintain shine: Over-brushing your hair will only lead to a greasy mess. With the wind at its peak this season, try to avoid brushing your hair regularly. Put on a hat or style your hair back to avoid tangling from windy weather. Keep in mind, touching your hair frequently will also deposit the natural oils secreted from your fingertips, leaving your hair feeling greasy. Avoid blow drying your hair on a daily basis. To protect your hair, apply a heat protection spray when blow drying or using hot tools. And, don't wash your hair everyday.

Trim it: Don't be scared of a trim. A regular trip to your hair salon can really transform your hair. So grab your coat and coffee mug and drive to meet your favourite stylist to trim off those split ends that otherwise will result in a dry, damaged look. Have some extra time? Ask your stylist to deep condition your hair. You will leave flaunting a shiny and healthy looking 'do.

Homemade mask: Cold weather got you cooped up at home? Create a mixture of mayonnaise and avocado oil. For every half cup of mayo, use 1 teaspoon of avocado oil. Apply for at least a few hours prior to showering, cover with a shower cap, and rinse thoroughly prior to applying shampoo.

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